Thursday, February 18, 2010

این مردان دیوانه

بی دلیل نیست که دو سال پشت سر هم این سریال جایزه امی برای بهترین سری درام تلویزیون را گرفته. مکالمه ها، روابط، اتفاق ها همه چنان درگیرت می کنند که احساس می کنی میان این آدم های دهه 60 میلادی هستی. آدم ها سرگردانت می کنند همان قدر که خودشون سرگردانند. تو را می برند به دهه شصت، تو میان دود سیگارهاشون غرق می شی، خودکشی مریلین مانرو بهت زده ات می کنه، برای ترور کندی ناراحت می شی. "دان دریپر" را تحسین می کنی، ازش شاکی می شی، باهاش ناراحت می شی. وقتی ایده می زنه ذوق می کنی.

جالب این جاست که برخلاف بیشتر سریال ها، سری سوم سریال به خوبی و حتی شاید بهتر از سری اول و دومشه. اگر امسال هم امی ببره تعجبی نداره.


Hesam said...

Several points:

1. Since "Mad" is short for "Madison Avenue", I don't think "Mad Men" has a good Farsi translation.

2. The season 3 finale is one of the best things I have seen on TV. It was great to watch (that might have been amplified due to season 3's structure and my liking of heist movies). I would be surprised if Matthew Weiner did not get both the Emmy for best writing and the Emmy for best directing for that episode.

3. One reason I like the show is how much the society and social norms depicted in the show (US 50s and early 60s) is similar to Iran. People might disagree about this depending where and when they lived in Iran but the similarities are there.

Anyway although I am happy that there will be much less Betty in the future I don't know what the theme of season 4 will be. There are a lot of things they could try it will be 1964 and the chaos is about to start. On the personal level there are lots of conflicts: Roger and his wife, Joan and her husband just to name a few.

Unknown said...

To me the name has kind of "Iham".

Hesam said...

Of course it does! x(

The point is that the title loses its ambiguity in translation.

mohammad hasan said...

オテモヤン said...
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